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Dave Grohl

Dave Grohl Hit On 24-Year-Old In 2013 With 'Exact Same' Pickup Line He'd Used On Wife Jordyn Blum: REPORT

Dave Grohl Cheating Hit On Woman 2014 Same Line Wife Jordyn Blum

If you were holding out hope Dave Grohl fathering another child outside his marriage was a one-off, we have some bad news.

We’re getting the feeling if he was ever faithful, it didn’t last too long. Because now we’ve got an allegation of him hitting on another woman at a bar over TEN YEARS AGO! Ick! And it gets worse!

OK, rewind a bit…

Back in 2007, the Foo Fighters frontman told Q Magazine the story of when he met Jordyn Blum. He revealed it was at a bar in West Hollywood in 2001. He recalled:

“So I’m just having some drinks and acting like a jackass. And by the end of the night, I was pissed, and I’m staring at her going, ‘You’re my future ex-wife.'”

Not the greatest line, but it worked enough for the charming, famous rockstar. He revealed Jordyn gave him her number that night — and signed it “Jordyn, your future ex-wife.” Awww… Except, in our new context it may be a little too prescient. It’s sounding more and more likely she will be his ex-wife soon enough.

Photos: All The Women Dave Grohl Cheated On AND With — That We Know Of…

Anyway, cut to about a decade into their marriage, to September 2013. Dave and Jordyn already had two daughters. A third would be coming the following year.

A woman named Alix tells Page Six it was that month when she met Grohl in a bar in New York City’s East Village after a friend’s furniture show. She remembers the night vividly. A “drunk Wall Street guy” was asking her and her friend to play Nirvana songs on the jukebox. Alix, then 24, had been “obsessed” with the grunge band as a teen so she was totally into it. And it was an insane coincidence when late that night, around 1:30 in the morning, Dave Grohl walked into the bar with “a few other people.”

Alix couldn’t believe it — but she played it cool. She recalled:

“So I go up to him, and I’m like, ‘I’m gonna need to see some ID.'”

She admits she felt like she was “being really funny and smart” in the way she approached the rockstar they’d been listening to all night:

“I’m like, ‘You pretty much got me through high school.'”

Grohl then offered to buy her a drink. Iffy, but still not overtly crossing a line. But then she told him she was drinking “Jameson on the rocks.” What she remembers Dave saying next is the grossest thing in the wider context:

“Oh, OK! A whiskey girl. You should be my future ex-wife.”

Oh. Em. Gee.

Not only was he hitting on this young woman while he had a wife and kids at home, he was using the same line?! He’s lucky Jordyn didn’t Gone Girl him!

Alix claims she was “grossed out” by the comment even then. Maybe because she knew he was married or because he was already 44 at this point — old enough to be her dad. Hell, she’d already told him she listened to him all through high school. But she hung out with him all night anyway, he was still Dave Grohl. And she says nothing more happened. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t want something to happen! It certainly sounds like he was going for it, considering that’s his line! ICK!!!

[Image via FayesVision/WENN/Avalon.]

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Sep 12, 2024 17:34pm PDT

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