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Denver Broncos’ Demaryius Thomas’ Mom & Grandma Will Watch The Super Bowl From A Jail Cell!

demaryius thomas mom and grandma watching super bowl from jail
The Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks are all set to play in the Super Bowl, but one man’s family members won’t be there.
Broncos’ wide receiver Demaryius Thomas’ mother Katina Smith and grandmother Minnie Pearl Thomas will watch the game from the low-security federal prison in Tallahassee.
The two women were arrested on March 15, 1999 for drug trafficking, when Demaryius was only 11 years old. Miz Smith kissed her son goodbye for school, and that was it.
Oh, man, the TEARS!
Since the ladies have been perfectly behaved though, the women have moved into nicer housing facilities and will get to see the game from their community TV. A few dozen women are expected to watch the game with Miz Smith too.
She talked about missing the chance to come see her son play in New Jersey, explaining:

“It will be a bittersweet situation. Sweet that my son made it to this point, and bitter that I’m not there to celebrate this time in his life├óΓé¼┬ª It’s been a blessing to watch him evolve. I don’t want to sound too boastful, but I’m a very proud mother. He had the choice of taking the wrong path or the right path, and he chose the right path even though he had all those negative situations around him.”

It really is a success story! Good things happen when you work hard!
As a side note, Demaryius was brought up by his aunt and uncle, once his military father realized he couldn’t do it on his own.
If the NFLer can get to the Super Bowl again, Katina may still have a chance to watch her son play! She’s hoping to get released to a halfway house on her son’s birthday, December 25, in 2016.
We’re sure Demaryius will be thinking of them when he scores a touchdown!

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Jan 28, 2014 21:01pm PDT