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Ed Norton

Ed Norton Running NYC Marathon For African Charity


We love to see when celebs use their powers for good!

Edward Norton is planning to run this year’s New York City Marathon to fundraise for the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust in east Africa.

Joining the actor will be three Maasai warriors themselves, two of which will be making their first trip to the big city!

Norton’s been involved with the MWCT for 10 years and is now serving as president of the Board. The money raised will go towards the conservation, education and healthcare in the east African region.

He says:

“It├óΓé¼Γäós an effort that I├óΓé¼Γäóve been very personally involved with at all levels. We had previously raised money through dinner party events but this year we wanted to step it up a bit, reach a little higher in terms of the level of funding we try to raise and introduce the work to a wider community. And just as important, we wanted to try to do it in a way that could involve our Maasai friends and partners actively in the effort over here. The marathon seemed like a very organic way to involve them.”


Good luck, Ed!

[Image via Carrie Devorah / WENN.]

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Sep 26, 2009 10:20am PDT

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