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Ed Norton

Ed Norton Will Hulk Up For Avengers Flick, If The Timing Is Right


Coming to the big screen in 2012 will be an epic comic book nerds’ dream: The Avengers movie!

For those of you who had lives and sex in high school, The Avengers is Marvel Comics version of The Justice League, bringing in all the best of the best superheros into one super group.

Among the list of crime fighters is Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and the Incredible Hulk, recently portrayed on the big screen by Edward Norton.

Since the announcement that the movie was given the green light, fans have wondered if Ed would go green again. The answer is still a maybe, but not because Ed doesn’t want to do it.

He explains:

“I just get very busy. You have to deal with the demands of the moment. I tend to keep my head in the thing I’m doing, and I don’t speculate or worry too much about what two or three blocks down the thing is gonna be. I know all these things will reveal themselves and work out or not.”

There you have it. If you want Ed in the flick, you better pray nothing else pops up to distract him, like something that might get him an Oscar or at least better reviews than the last Hulk flick got!

[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 24, 2009 20:30pm PDT

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