She’s baaaack!
You might remember Alli Sims, the cousin and assistant of the once Toxic Britney Spears. She was given the boot after everybody realized she was (allegedly) a lying, life-ruining hobag.
And now she makes her living by chatting up anyone who will listen to her talk about Britney.
Extra is the latest to give her some time to waste!
When asked about the life and times of being crazy BritBrit’s assistant, “cousin” Alli says: ├óΓé¼┼ôIt seemed a lot crazier than it really was because it made simple things just like going to Starbucks seem so out of hand. It was insane because of the paparazzi├óΓé¼┬ªbut it really wasn├óΓé¼Γäót that bad when you were sitting there going through it personally. I just thought it was interesting how people expected us to stay home and not go anywhere├óΓé¼┬ªIt├óΓé¼Γäós not her fault she has that many people following her around.├óΓé¼┬¥
Though she hasn’t spoken to Britney in over a year, she insists there was no “falling out” and that she has just been concentrating on her own music career, which meant stepping out of the Britney bubble.
Yeah right!
That’s why you credit Britney as the “inspiration” behind your first single…because you want OUT of the bubble.
Oh, and this is the best part. When asked if her relationship helped or hurt her non-existent singing career, Sims says: “I think it’s a kind of like a double edged sword. Think it helped in a lot of ways because people did know who I was because I was around her…but it’s also been hard because people expect so much from you…you definitely have to prove yourself with everyone…there’s a lot more eyes on me.”
WRONG. All wrong.
No one expects anything from you. Nobody cares!
We’d get back on the coat-tails if we were you. You were better off there.
[Image via Mavrix Online.]
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