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Adios, Entourage! Here's What The Critics Are Saying On The Final Episode...

deets on the final episode of entourage

We’ll miss these guys…until the movie comes out that is!

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t seen the series finale of Entourage yet, you MIGHT want to stop reading now!

Entourage is officially over, and we were FLOORED by some of the events that took place during the series finale, which included the following:

Ari quit his job so he could get back together with his estranged wife

Eric and preggo Sloan made up with each other

Vince went to Paris to get hitched

QUITE a big episode! Here’s what some of the critics are saying about it:

“All good things must come to an end, [but the show] went out with a bang. In the final half-hour, the series creator/chief writer Doug Ellin resolved all of the loose ends leading up the last episode. Long live Entourage. I can├óΓé¼Γäót wait for the movie.”

Jon Friedman, Wall Street Journal

“Some fans complained that Entourage grew stale, but actually it├óΓé¼Γäós remarkable how fresh the series managed to stay given how temporal its setting. The show began in 2004 before the heyday of The Hills and gossip roundups by The closest thing to Entourage was Curb Your Enthusiasm, which was also about Hollywood but focused on entertainment mandarins nearing the sunset of their careers.”

“Sunday├óΓé¼Γäós finale tied up loose ends by wrapping them around Vince├óΓé¼Γäós largess: he engineered reconciliation between Eric and Sloan and even hired them a private jet to work on it alone. He invited Ari and his wife, best known as Mrs. Ari, to come with him to Paris. He helped Drama get a movie deal and saved Turtle from financial ruin. Devotion flowed both ways: Vince├óΓé¼Γäós own happy ending was helped along by Drama and Turtle, who persuaded the skeptical Oxford-educated beauty Sophia (a Vanity Fair reporter) to give Vince a chance.”

“People think that love can├óΓé¼Γäót last in Hollywood, but in real life friendship is more capricious. Entourage nurtured the fantasy that some bonds are so precious that nothing, not even fame, money and sex, can tear them asunder.”

Alessandra Stanley, New York Times

“Does Vince deserve to find a nice girl and be happy like everyone else? Sure. But why so rushed? And why did he and Sophia have to prove their love by tying the knot (and hello? Would someone like Sophia, an intelligent woman who most recently dated a doctor from Johns Hopkins, really marry someone like Vince after a few days? I think not). After two crazy whirlwind romances and more one-night-stands than Wilt Chamberlain, couldn’t the writers have just left it at, ‘I met a nice girl! I’m crazy about her! We’ll see where it goes’ and let viewers’ imaginations take the wheel.”

“Much more logical was Vince’s final save for Eric, and his subsequent letting-go of his best friend once-and-for-all. Deep down, the series was always about the friendship between these four guys, and seeing that friendship morph into something new and less codependent for Eric and Vince felt right.”

Kate Stanhope, TV Guide

What did U think of the Entourage series finale? Are U excited about the possibility of a movie next???

[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 12, 2011 14:20pm PDT

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