Absolutely devastating.
A Florida resident is facing the tragedy of a lifetime after returning home from the hospital, where she was battling coronavirus, to discover her 55-year-old husband dead in their bed after suffering from the same virus.
Speaking to media outlets, Lisa Steadman explained the horrible situation began about two weeks ago when her husband, Ron Steadman, was diagnosed with COVID-19 at a walk-in clinic. Because his symptoms were not severe, he was sent home with some medicine and the expectation that he would recover quickly and without setbacks.
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His wife told WFLA:
“They sent him home with medicine and stuff because he wasn’t in distress or anything. It was just like he had a bad cold.”
Because both were unvaccinated, the illness quickly spread to Lisa, who passed out and was rushed to Winter Haven Hospital days later. She would spend the next eight days fighting for her life, recalling her battle for Fox 13:
“I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t stop throwing up. It is like you don’t have no bones in your body. You can’t move. You’re just that weak.”
The only thing that got her through? Talking to her husband. But technical difficulties and his presumably worsening condition made those conversations difficult by the end of her hospital stay. Two Sundays ago, Ron admitted his phone was acting up and not holding a charge. He soon became hard to get in touch with, so Lisa had police perform a wellness checkup last Monday. Everything was fine, according to the authorities, but Ron still did not answer the phone the next day. She recalled on Facebook:
“He was fine but had like a bad cold according to them. He had been having problems with his phone not staying charged so on Tuesday I never got a hold of him and I thought, okay his phone finally took a dive.”
By Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., Steadman was released from the hospital and ordered an Uber home only to walk “into a nightmare.” After hearing noises coming from the back bedroom, she opened the door to find her husband dead in bed and their dogs (who had been locked in the room with him) starving and without water. How horrifying…
Sadly, officials believe Ron died sometime on Monday — the same day police checked in on him! Lisa detailed:
“He had been there we are figuring since Monday. The dogs were almost gone from lack of food and water.”
Breaking into tears, she added while speaking to reporter Ken Suarez:
“It was like walking into a horror film, and I wish I had never seen him like that because I can’t get that picture out of my head.”
While his specific cause of death has yet to be determined, it is being classified as a “COVID-related” death, the 58-year-old continued:
“They say he died of COVID-related problems because they know he had COVID. They don’t know if he had a heart attack from coughing under the stress or if he had an embolism. They don’t know.”
Not only has Ron’s unexpected and untimely death been emotionally traumatic for Lisa, but she now faces a huge financial crisis! Not only does she have her own medical bills to pay, but she was also forced to get her house professionally cleaned before she could move back home because Ron “had started decomposing.” In a lengthy Facebook fundraiser caption, she wrote:
“Along with losing him and because he had started decomposing, Florida laws would not let me go into the house until I had a hazmat crew could come and remove all the stuff in our bedroom.”
Because she’s been unable to work for a month, she asked for donations to cover some of the cleaning, medical, hotel, and funeral costs that await her. As of now, she has raised nearly $5,000 of her $6,000 goal. Those interested in supporting her can read more HERE.
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Because of this horrific ordeal, the Donald Trump supporter (her Facebook profile photo endorses Trump 2020), who was hesitant to get the coronavirus vaccine out of fear “it hadn’t been tested enough yet,” will now be getting vaxxed ASAP. She revealed to WFLA:
“Now after being in the hospital and talking with my doctor, when I am able to take it, I will in September.”
Honestly, we’re so glad to hear that. We’d hate to see Lisa get sick again after suffering so much pain and loss this time. And good news: the Pfizer vaccine is now FDA approved so there’s no need for concern!
Watch her full interview with Fox 13 (below).
Sending Lisa love as she grieves Ron and continues to recover from her own health battle. What a terrible way to return from the hospital…
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[Image via Fox 13/YouTube]
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