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Frank Ocean Watches Game Of Thrones With His Pup!!

Frank Ocean
Frank Ocean is so talented and cute!
Though we’re sure he gets a run for his cute money by his dog on a daily basis.
He was hanging out with Everest, his Bernese mountain dog, the other day and decided to snap a pic (above) because Everest is just too CUTE!
He Instagrammed the pic and simply wrote:

“back home”

He must be in heaven in that pic!
We can’t see his face but we know he’s smiling!
He’s got a cute pup curled up at his feet, and is watching Game Of Thrones!
Nothing better than a cute dog and great show!
Everest looks a little too sleepy to enjoy the show, but he’s so darn cute we’ll give him a pass.
[Image via Frank Ocean.]

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Mar 12, 2013 14:00pm PDT