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Amber Riley

Glee Planning Super Tribute Show To Whitney Houston

This one promises to be huge!
Glee did an unexpected (but still uhMAZing) tribute to Whitney Houston last month with Amber Riley‘s performance. Now, Gleeks can prepare for a full episode tribute to Whitney.
Unlike the Madge and Michael Jackson episodes, the Whitney tribute is reportedly a character piece, as seniors begin to say goodbye to the Glee club.
Expect lots of water works!
Lea Michele tweeted the following about the upcoming episode:

Starting a new episode today. A very special tribute to one of the worlds most amazing singers. Very excited about this one.

Looks like Glee is planning something HUGE!
Will U be tuning to see Whitney’s tribute, Gleeks?!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 09, 2012 11:30am PDT