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Anne Hathaway

Jada Pinkett Smith Defends Anne Hathaway Over White Privilege Accusations

Jada Pinkett Smith

Red Table Talk is keeping it real!
Jada Pinkett Smith‘s hit Facebook show took on white privilege, and the role white women can play in being allies to black women in daily life, in the show’s most recent episode that was posted on Monday.
Related: Jada Became ‘Extremely Suicidal’ After Finding Hollywood Success
The conversation on Monday centered quite a bit on privilege, and turned at one point to focus on Anne Hathaway‘s ally-ship with Black Lives Matter and black women, relating to posts like this one from Hathaway last year (below):

While other participants on the show were somewhat critical of Hathaway and other white allies in this context, Pinkett Smith stuck her neck out to defend Anne, saying at one point (below):

“As women of color, we really have to recognize when white women come in to help that we make room for it, because there’s been a couple of times, like when Anne Hathaway, or… it is trust issues. I understand that. I get it. But at some point, where are we as black women going to be able to recognize an ally? … I believe that we have to take leaps as well. All I’m saying is we need them, they need us, we need you, we need each other. We have to be able to sit in a bit of vulnerability to allow for a certain kind of healing to occur.”

Tough topics!
Watch more from Monday’s episode (below):

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[Image via Facebook.]

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Feb 19, 2019 12:14pm PDT