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Jennifer Lawrence Almost Saw A Bunch Of Penises While Out With Liam Hemsworth! Where Were They?!

Look away, Jennifer Lawrence! You know that stare you did at the end of Catching Fire? Do the exact opposite!
Okay, so maybe J.Law didn’t have anything to stare at, but she nearly walked in on a sausage fest!
Mmmm sausages…sorry, that was just a Pavlovian response. Where were we?
According to a source, Jennifer and her Hunger Games co-star Liam Hemsworth were out in Atlanta at The Bookstore Pub with others from the set of Mockingjay over the weekend:

“They were there Saturday night, went across to MJQ Concourse club afterwards. They’ve been there in the past, too….People just thought Jennifer was a cute girl, didn’t realize who she was…She was smiling and dancing…Jennifer Lawrence almost walked into the men’s bathroom.”

“I was so close!” screamed the guy in stall #3!
Well, we’re glad Jennifer avoided what could have been an awkward situation, but we’re sure she would’ve had an excellent comeback, like, “hey there, boys, this here’s a shake down see!”
We bet Nicholas Hoult is also glad that she didn’t enter the wrong bathroom. That would’ve been an not so fun text to receive: “Hey hunny, just walked in on a dude holding his District 9.”
Or even worse if she told him via Snapchat. Crisis averted thankfull!

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Jan 28, 2014 21:00pm PDT