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Jenny McCarthy

Jenny McCarthy Thought Donnie Wahlberg Liked Dudes?!


Guess if it takes you two weeks to call back a smokin’ hottie like Jenny McCarthy, it’s safe to assume you’re probably gay, right?

The View bombshell made a HIGHlarious relationship confession to an NYC radio station, Tuesday, that had us all LOLing forevs!

Jenny explained her bold beginnings with NKOTB beau, Donnie Wahlberg, and why she thought he didn’t like her:

├óΓé¼┼ôHe was on my talk show for Vh1 and I went a year without dating anybody. So I don├óΓé¼Γäót know if I was really randy or really ready but he was there and I gave him my phone number, which I├óΓé¼Γäóve never given a guy my number but I was interested. It took two weeks for him to call me back and I thought for sure he was playing for a different team, if you know what I├óΓé¼Γäóm saying.”

Chalk it up to some typical lady worries! Ha!

Happy to hear this gaysolated incident didn’t get in the way of these cuties and their blossoming bond.

What a funny story to tell the grandkids!

[Image via Bravo]

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Sep 11, 2013 17:42pm PDT