Praise be… to Kanye?
Kanye West has apparently changed his tune about performing at Coachella this year, because judging off an announcement he made on a flight he and Kim Kardashian West took on Sunday afternoon, it sure sounds like he’s going to be there to throw down in the desert, after all!
But here’s the kicker: it won’t be a traditional performance during the festival — it’s apparently going to be one of his infamous Sunday Services, done on Easter morning, at the crack of dawn!!
Related: Cops Were Called To Kanye’s Most Recent Sunday Service
‘Ye made the announcement speaking over the intercom on a flight he and Kim were getting on earlier on Sunday, apparently in good enough spirits about the move that he felt like telling a bunch of strangers. (They all seemed incredibly excited about it, though, as you can see in the video HERE.)
But announcement notwithstanding, there are already a lot of questions about what this gig may be! For one, we know Kanye had originally been planning to perform at Coachella, and was in the beginning stages of planning months ago, when things went awry with producers and he backed out after he felt the festival couldn’t meet his vision.
Now, he’s been doing Sunday Service pretty much every week outdoors in Calabasas, and while logic suggests it’d make some sense to move it to the desert for a weekend — on Easter, no less — the logistics and more may be VERY difficult.
The thing is, Coachella doesn’t typically kick off until 11:00 a.m. on each day, and by the Sunday morning slots on Weekend 2 (which is when Easter is, and when Yeezy wants to do Sunday Service), everybody is wiped out. It’s unclear whether Goldenvoice Productions — the people ‘Ye fought with earlier about his initial plan for the festival — would even allow him to hold a sunrise even within festival grounds, or whether he’d have to set something up on his own outside the festival. There may well be some bad blood there after negotiations about the initial performance fell flat so quickly.
Regardless, there’s almost no question that Yeezy’s Sunday Service would be a hit of some kind; celebs and others who have attended the regular Sunday Services thus far have all walked away raving about them. Taking it to Coachella for Easter Sunday… that just seems like the logical next step, doesn’t it?!
Related: Kanye Is Now Happy In LA, And No Longer Wants To Move To Chicago!
What do U think, Perezcious readers? Is Kanye cut out for Coachella like this?!
Will Sunday Service be a thing on Easter morning out in the desert, like Kanye wants???
Sound OFF with your opinions on all this in the comments (below)…
[Image via WENN]
Kanye West Now Says He WILL Perform At Coachella -- In An Easter Morning Sunday Service At Dawn

Mar 31, 2019 16:01pm PDT