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Kanye West

Kanye West Does Cute Dance With Daughter North While Kim Kardashian Watches & Laughs Alongside! (Video)

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian enjoy family time with North West!

Kanye West is living it up with daughter North West and wife Kim Kardashian West in what appear to be seriously better times compared to the last few weeks!

The 43-year-old rapper took to Twitter on Friday night to share a cute video showing him and North breaking into a dance while walking alongside a golf cart in which Kim was riding, and helping to film the whole thing go down. The whole fam is apparently enjoying a trip to the Dominican Republic right now, where they are hashing out some of their issues

Related: Is Kanye West Committing Election Fraud In Wisconsin?!

As you can see (below), Yeezy and his oldest daughter get their groove on to Push The Feeling On by Nightcrawlers, only up until Kanye busts a whole new set of moves that’s enough to make Kim K literally LOL and react:

Ha! Love it!

Of course, this fun family moment follows up what has been a tumultuous time, to say the least, for Yeezy and his family. According to TMZ, this particular family fun scene went down in the Dominican Republic, where Kanye and his family are having a “make or break” vacation for the week as they attempt to reconcile and retain some normalcy in their lives. Here’s hoping they were able to hash out the problems in their marriage while they were out there…

The Chicago native and music producer is still in the running for President, and while his campaign has taken a few hits over the past few weeks, he appears to still be taking it seriously. Now, those around him are skeptical about whether he simply isn’t being used by Donald Trump‘s campaign re-election team to siphon off votes from Joe Biden, but that’s a whole different story with many layers and its own set of controversies.

Related: Kanye Confirms His ‘Campaign’ Only Exists To Help Trump! F**k This Guy, Then!

Most concerning for the fashion designer and music mogul continues to be his touch-and-go relationship with his wife, the founder of KKW Beauty and star of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Reports published over the last couple weeks in various media outlets are still suggesting divorce may be a viable option for the pair following Kanye’s unfortunate and inappropriate comments about abortion while out on the campaign trail last month. Kim reportedly still hasn’t gotten over those comments, and for good reason — and it may wind up dooming their relationship.

At least it’s nice to see the family smiling, laughing, and having a good time together this weekend after so many controversies and blowouts over the past few weeks. Maybe things are getting better on the home front for Kanye, slowly but surely?

Where do U stand on Kanye and Kim together (or not), Perezcious readers? And what about Yeezy’s chances at becoming President, and his overall campaign strategy? It’s been quite the summer, even for a person used to making major headlines like Yeezy always has been.

Sound OFF with your take about everything that’s been going down the last few weeks down in the comments (below)…

[Image via WENN/Instagram]

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Aug 08, 2020 10:33am PDT