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Lianne La Havas

Lianne La Havas Blows Us Away With 2 NEW Music Videos! See Them HERE!

We didn’t think we could be anymore impressed with Lianne La Havas, but girl is AH-Mazing!
She has just released two incredible new music videos that tell a heart-wrenching story together that moved us in an unexplainable way.
The videos for Elusive (above) and Gone (below) have us bowing down to her brilliance.
From hopeful and happy to sad and broken, Lianne has us feeling every emotion possible after watching these beautiful and touching videos.
But don’t take our word for it, experience Lianne for yourself!
PrrrReeessssSSs PllllAaaaAayYYYy!

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Feb 20, 2013 22:02pm PDT

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