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Britney Spears

Mission Aborted

Mission Aborted

Britney Spears has dropped out of performing at this weekend’s Los Angeles show of Cyndi Lauper‘s True Colors tour.
Spears’ choreographer confirmed to People magazine that Brit would be performing this Saturday, and they even held audition for two male backup dancers.
But those plans have now been cancelled.
A source told Page Six, “There’s no way. Britney said she would only dance or lip-sync – and to be on stage with Cyndi, you have to actually perform. It’s not happening now.”
Ha ha ha ha!
They wanted Britney to sing live?
Not gonna happen!
A rep for True Colors said, “She was invited to appear on the first date in Las Vegas but we never heard from her.”
She couldn’t hack it!
[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]

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Jun 28, 2007 15:05pm PDT

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