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Nicki Minaj Talks About Possibility Of Having Drake's Babies, Wants Kids By 2022

Nicki Minaj knows what she wants and she’s going to get it!
The singer says that ten years from now, she plans on being married with two children. And one of them has to be a boy, so we’re not sure how she’s going to make that happen, but she’s got a 50/50 shot of doing it!
Nicki says:

“In 2022, I’ll definitely be married and I’ll definitely have my two children. I might have three, but I do want at least one boy.
[I want] a baby boy because I’m so attached to my little brother and I felt like that was my real son. And boys, they’re just so, I don’t know, my heart just melts when I see them.”

But the best part is that in her new vid, she gets married to Drake, which she says if they ever have kids IRL, they’ll be “beautiful,” have his “intelligence,” his “sarcasm,” and they’ll be “creative.”
Soooo, does that mean they’re thinking of having kids together one day?? Whaaa??
They would be super cute and talented, wouldn’t they??
You gotta watch what else she says, (above)!!!

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Mar 22, 2012 15:30pm PDT