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Octavia Spencer In Talks To Mother In New Controversial Film Role

Octavia Spencer In Talks To Mother In New Controversial Film Role

Octavia Fruitvale
Sounds like Octavia Spencer’s big Oscar win is making her quite the sought after star!
The Help actress, along with Chronicle’s Michael B. Jordan, are currently negotiating deals to star in the film Fruitvale.
The flick, to be produced by Forrest Whitaker and Nina Yang, will tell the true story of Oscar Grant, a 22 year old black male who was shot and killed in 2009 by Bay Area Rapid Transit police. The indie drama gets its title from the name of the station where Oscar was killed.
The detainment and shooting was seen by many eyewitnesses who filmed the event on their cell phones, which led to a controversial trial and protests.
Michael B. Jordan will be set to play Oscar and Octavia will play the role of his “tough and protective” mother, if everything goes through.
A production start date of July is being considered and somehow, they’ll have to work around Octavia’s SUPER packed schedule! The actress is filming a new Diablo Cody film with Russell Brand, then sci-fi movie Snowpiercer as well as Smashed.
Damn, gurl!!!
We are SUPER proud of her and this film sounds like a great project to take part in. The film is timely, as well, especially after the controversy surrounding the Trayvon Martin shooting.
Here’s to hoping the deals go through!
[Images via WENN.]

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Apr 18, 2012 01:30am PDT