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The First Time Perez Hilton Was On TV! 2005!!!

SO MUCH has changed!!
The Insider isn’t on anymore, but this appearance from March of 2005 was the first time we were on television as Perez Hilton! Our website was still called then!!
Whatever happened to Pat O’Brien?
We miss Ananda Lewis!
Some of these websites they profiled aren’t around anymore!!!
The show named us ‘Hollywood’s Most Hated Website’, and though we didn’t agree with that label, we ran with it! We made that our slogan for years!
Shortly after this we went through a period of severe depression. Suicidal thoughts. All we saw for my future was darkness.
But we never gave up because of THIS one TV appearance! We would tell ourself, “Maybe we could get on TV again?”
Don’t give up on yourselves or your happiness! And work hard!!! We still do!!!
THANK YOU for your support all these years later! Longevity in this industry is insanely hard! And YOU are a huge reason why we’re still here!
We love you! Sincerely! Deeply! Forever!!
P.S. We still have that jacket!!

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Aug 02, 2018 13:49pm PDT