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Animal Cruelty

Egyptian Protesters Seek Rights For Animals

Egypt animal rights


just as weeks of protests forced the resignation of former president Hosni Mubarak, a coalition of organizations and activists in Egypt have banded together to demand an overhaul of animal treatment within the countr, they hope that a citizen demonstration will shed a light on the issue of animal rights.

Animal welfare groups announced that a protest will take place outside the Giza Zoo on April 16 to bring to light matters ranging from the state of the zoo itself to illegal wildlife trades, unregulated pet breeding and the government’s propensity for shooting or poisoning homeless animals in order to control their population.

The protest press release described Giza’s horrible conditions:

“The way Egypt treats animals is a shame. The Giza Zoo is a national disgrace, Egypt has become known as a hub of the international illegal trade in wildlife, and the municipal policy of controlling street animal populations by shooting and poisoning is deplorable. At the root of all this is a not only systemic corruption but also policy failure, as Egypt is lacking even the basic animal welfare legislation that would enable the prosecution of violators.”

We think this a purrrfect time to seek animal reform in Egypt.

If you’re going to reform a nation, why stop at its human citizens?

[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 13, 2011 13:00pm PDT