One minute you’re talking about the future, and children, and getting engaged… and the next you’re on a plane… VERY single.
Rachael Kirkconnell has remained mostly silent following her ex Matt James‘ VERY public Instagram post about the end of their relationship — but leave it to Alex Cooper and Call Her Daddy to get the real tea everyone has been dying to drink up!
On Tuesday night, the influencer detailed what really lead to her split after four years of dating. And as Rachael tells it, Matt completely shocked her by ending things about two weeks ago, right before she was set to fly from Tokyo to Atlanta. Nothing like dropping a literal bomb before a 12+ hour flight.
Diabolical s**t!
She shared her shock with Alex, saying:
“We’re literally getting ready to take off and my phone blows up. It’s one of my best friends and it says, ‘Rach,’ with a bunch of question marks, and as soon as I saw that, I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh, how does she know,’ and then she texts me again and said, ‘I saw Matt’s post. Is this real life?’ And that’s how I found out that he posted. So then, literally the plane is taking off and I see his post, and that’s it. I don’t have any service or anything for the next 12 hours, so I’m freaking out because, you know, just got broken up with and now, a few hours later, it’s for the whole world to see and I’m still trying to process it. I’m still in total shock, so then knowing like the whole world is seeing this. I’m like, ‘This is so crazy. I can’t even wrap my mind around this right now,’ and I think that’s why I didn’t say anything. Still haven’t made a statement or anything because I’m processing this just like everyone else is.”
Well, now is her chance to make that statement — and she did — sharing with listeners what exactly lead to the breakup, which is also equally as head-scratching.
They had a disagreement over where to go to dinner!! Because their social media presence heavily relies on where they eat, Rach was feeling the pressure to pick a great spot in Tokyo to dine. She ended up choosing after agonizing over the decision, and the meal was not great. The internet foodie felt like she was disappointing him over the choice.
She shared:
“He was like, ‘I’m just so confused, like, why you were so upset. Like, what was that?’ And I explained to him, like, ‘I felt like I’d let you down.’ Like, ‘I felt like that was disappointing. And I hate going to a place that isn’t somewhere that you could post about [on Instagram]. I feel like it’s a waste.’ And he just was trying to tell me like, ‘It’s not that serious. Like, it’s not that big of a deal.’ But then he was concerned about me getting so upset. He was like, ‘That was like, there was no reason for you to get upset like that.’ And he found it concerning that I got that emotional, I guess. He was trying to express to me, like, ‘If you get emotional about little things like this, what is going to happen in life when something really terrible happens? Like, how are you going to be able to react to things that are actually really scary or disappointing or sad?’ … I felt like I was being punished for crying.”
The very next day is when everything crumbled. Rachael went on:
“We were in good moods. And I think it was one of those things where … little arguments open up a can of worms. So we were on the way to get some food and I was scrolling through my phone, showing him a bunch of videos. I guess I was bothering him. I was annoying him. … [He] kind of snapped at me to where I got mad at him because I was like, ‘You know, even if I’m annoying you like, don’t treat me like that.’ And so then it seemed like we were both kind of mad at each other or annoyed with each other… At the end of the day, there are things that we aren’t compatible with and the whole accountability and saying sorry and all that was really the main thing. It was just one of those things where he, I think, just had this realization that ‘I should want to propose to you by this time. Like, at this point in our relationship, I should be wanting those things and I should be ready for that. But I’m not still, I still don’t feel like we’re ready or I don’t feel like I’m ready. I don’t know if I ever see myself proposing to you. I can’t actually see myself married to you.’”
Absolutely brutal! And so hard to hear. She explained:
“He came to the conclusion that he didn’t think it was me and that he said, like, he just didn’t want me to end up resenting him by wasting more of my time if it wouldn’t happen. And yeah, he just said, you know, ‘You’re beautiful, smart and funny and you’ll find, you’ll find someone, you’ll find a guy that will love you for you.’ But yeah, he just didn’t think that it was him. But it was just really, it was just a lot to hear at once because a few days before, you know, I’m hearing the opposite.”
And as far as the post that Matt uploaded only a few hours after they broke up, Rachael saw all of your conspiracy theories:
“I was so freaked out about the breakup itself … I wasn’t even analyzing the post like everyone else was, so I guess it was kind of funny just to see what people had to say. People thought it was weird that it was a Bachelor photo because we definitely tried to remove ourselves from the show. It was interesting to see the caption only because I feel like there was no — I don’t know how to explain it. I guess it almost seemed like saying it like a prayer was the easier way to say it than to say something real. Not that it wasn’t real, but just something authentic to our actual relationship, but it’s very him. I guess it didn’t surprise me that he said it like that. I guess I was just surprised that he said it at all, that he posted that.”
Rachael admitted she has spoken to Matt since the split and he DID admit the breakup upload was f**ked up:
“I confronted him about the post. … And that’s when he was like yeah, ‘I fully admit that I could have handled this a lot better.’ And he apologized… I think he regrets it. I probably wouldn’t even be sitting here if you didn’t do that.”
Well, YEAH! Rachael deserves better — and we hope she finds someone who loves all of her!
Watch the FULL interview (below):
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[Image via Call Her Daddy/YouTube/Instagram]
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