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Rob Lowe

Rob Lowe Cannot Keep Himself Fed, According To His Personal Assistant Demands! Read All The Wackiness HERE!

Rob Lowe Cannot Keep Himself Fed, According To His Personal Assistant Demands! Read All The Wackiness HERE!

Rob Lowe needs a personal assistant!
Interested in being a wacky celebrity’s personal assistant? It’s your lucky day!
Rob Lowe is in the market for one, and his demands basically amount to making sure he’s well-fed and has a bitchin’ haircut at all times.
Related: Rob Gets Boom Roasted!
Also, it would be helpful if you could easily lift 25 pounds as needed to support him. Whatever the hell that means!
The Code Black actor submitted a post to a personal assistant website, and this is what he wrote (below) [our commentary in brackets]:
— Never assume anything [lest you make an ass out of you and him]
— Ensure the CLIENT [Rob] is fed and has coffee throughout the day [we’d rather not know what he’s like when he’s hangry]
— Schedule haircuts every episode for the CLIENT [nah, he’s not high-maintenance, right folks?]
— Ensure that the CLIENT HAS A DINNER PLAN IF ARRIVING HOME LATER THAN 8 PM in the evening [again, this is not a man who gets his own sustenance]
— Make sure you let Estate staff know if the CLIENT wants a Jacuzzi turned on or a massage ordered for his arrival [the “Estate staff,” guys!!!]
— Willing to travel on location as requested and serve as the CLIENT’S body man [“body man”??? Maybe we don’t wanna know what that means]
— Able to lift up to 25 pounds as required to support THE CLIENT [this is probably the weight of his ego, ha!]
It would probably also be helpful if you shared his conservative political opinions.
[Image via WENN.]

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Jan 31, 2017 12:59pm PDT

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