Canadians are starting feel the affects of Donald Trump‘s presidency too.
How? Reportedly, the Trump administration refuses to rule out the possibility of making former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as the next ambassador to Canada. And, despite Miz Palin’s love for hockey, our neighbors to the north are NOT stoked on the idea of the conservative filling the vacant position.
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In fact, many vocal Canadians have since taken to Twitter to express their dismay on the potential appointment (below).
This is entirely because Sarah Palin can see Canada from Alaska, isn’t it?
— Jamie Lendino (@jlendino) February 8, 2017
If #Sarah Palin is ambassador to Canada I suggest Nickelback as ambassador to USA
— Steve Birch (@squidlybirch) February 9, 2017
Appointing Sarah Palin as the US ambassador to Canada is, like, ultimate trolling.
— sara belgium (@sbelg) February 8, 2017
Dear Mr. Trump: Rather than appoint Sarah Palin as ambassador to Canada, please bomb us. Signed, all intelligent life in Canada. #killmenow
— Doug Youmans (@dippedbanana) February 8, 2017
Sarah Palin might be ambassador to Canada? AMERICA WHY DO YOU HATE US
— Julie Wright (@reddogcw) February 8, 2017
Could we have Tina Fey doing her impression of #SarahPalin as the ambassador to Canada instead?
— Kingslayer (@JeffInVanBC) February 9, 2017
Although, our pals to the north shouldn’t panic too much as the White House‘s Press Secretary Sean Spicer said during a press briefing on Wednesday that there are “no additional ambassador nominations or announcements to make.”
Still the Guardian suggests Palin’s name has been thrown around between Ottawa and Washington about the job. Nonetheless, we’re not sure Sarah would even enjoy the appointment. As columnist Andrew Cohen perfectly put it:
“In Canada, Palin would have to learn to speak one of our official languages. She would have to live in a land of na├â┬»fs who favour immigrants, gay marriage, the United Nations and NATO.”
We guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Oof…