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Henry Cavill Talks Taking Flight With Superman

Now that is one super fine piece of man! An excellent choice for Clark Kent.
This week, Henry Cavill opened up for the first time on what it was like to step into the suit and land the role in the latest reboot of the Superman franchise. According to Henry, he didn’t have that much confidence stepping into his audition. In fact, he told sources that he was sure when he went in for his screen test wearing a replica of Christopher Reeve├óΓé¼Γäós Superman suit he wasn’t going to get the part. He explained:

“All I could think was, Oh, God, they’re going to look at me and go, ‘He’s not Superman. Not a chance.’ The actor inside me was going, ‘You’re not ready! You’re not ready!’”

However, little did he know that that screen test was actually the deciding moment for everyone involved, including director Zack Snyder. When he was asked about that first screen test, Zack revealed:

“He walked out and no one laughed. Other actors put that suit on and it’s a joke, even if they’re great actors. Henry put it on, and he exuded this kind of crazy-calm confidence that just made me go, ‘Wow. Okay, this is Superman.’ ”

Pretty huge compliment, if you ask us!
We hope they’ve got this screen test handy for the DVD special features. We know that is long way off, but surely they are going to revamp the red and blue suit for the movie and we’d really love to see Henry rock the Reeves look from the 60s.
Don’t U?

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Feb 17, 2011 11:10am PDT

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