She’ll be off to prison in a couple of months…
But who knew Teresa Giudice would have such a cushy 15-month stay!
The Real Housewives star will reportedly be housed at minimum security Alderson Federal Prison Camp in West Virginia — affectionately known as “Camp Cupcake” to pros in the legal system!
[ Photos: The Real Housewives Who’ve Had Trouble With The Law! ]
Martha Stewart did her “insider trading” time here as well, so we know Tre will be just fine. And it’s nestled in the hills near Greenbrier State Forest, so she gets a view!
Sources have revealed that while there, Teresa will be required to do manual labor, including prison laundry, cooking in the kitchen, and trash pick-up.
But there is an upside — the facility apparently hosts yoga and cooking classes for all inmates!
Sounds like a retreat to us, though NJ is pretty far from Virginia…
So seeing her girls on a weekly basis may be difficult!
Teresa Giudice Will Be Spending Her Prison Stay At The Same Place Martha Stewart Called Home! 'Camp Cupcake' Better Get Ready For Fabellinis!
Oct 10, 2014 16:16pm PDT