What a f**ked up thing to say!
The author of the book that inspired The Blind Side is blaming Michael Oher‘s lawsuit against the Tuohy family on head trauma! In a shocking interview with The Guardian on Tuesday, Michael Lewis argued:
“What we’re watching is a change of behaviour. This is what happens to football players who get hit in the head: they run into problems with violence and aggression.”
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While head trauma is a real concern for athletes, it’s not fair to accuse Michael of being mentally unwell just ’cause he’s suing!
The former Ravens player’s attorney clapped back in a statement to DailyMail.com‘s Mail Sport, teasing:
“Lewis’s goofy comments make me wonder if he is the one with a head injury.”
It is a shocking thing to say — especially considering the severity of the case. As Perezcious readers know, the tackle is alleging Sean and Leigh Anne tricked him into a conservatorship, which he and the rest of the world — thanks to Lewis’ book and the 2009 film — believed was an adoption. Oher is now demanding to see financial records, convinced they stole Blind Side earnings from him. They have denied the allegations, insisting they didn’t make much and split the profits equally. While Lewis previously claimed the Tuohys didn’t make a lot from the film, he admitted it might be more complicated since the couple’s daughter Collins married the son of the film’s financial backer. Hmm…
The Big Short writer, who was a high school classmate and long-time friend of Sean, also speculated that Michael only filed the lawsuit because he was convinced by attorneys and thought people would “get behind him if he makes these accusations.” Not surprising to see he’s so strongly on the Tuohy’s side. He helped them get famous — and he doesn’t want his book to look fake! Ya know?!
Can you believe Lewis made that comment? Share your reactions (below)…
[Image via 60 Minutes/YouTube & Michael Oher/Instagram]