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Baby Blabber

Tom Felton Is NOT A Baby Daddy



Someone anonymously posted the above pic on the Post Secret website and revealed that one of the male stars of the Harry Potter films is her baby’s daddy.

The note reads:

One of these men is the father to the most amazing little girl. He’s never met her, he never will and he probably can’t even remember my name.

Wait, WHAT??

Did someone really just post that??

Draco fans won’t have to worry one bit though as Tom Felton took to his Twitter and confirmed that he is NOT the father!

He wrote:

my friend just found this on the web! just to confirm that i can be cancelled out of this equation lol!

LOL! Well, at least he has a sense of humor about it!

We think the person who posted that is lying anyway!

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Nov 26, 2010 15:15pm PDT