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#VoteForVoldemort? Harry Potter Villain Doing Better In Polls Than Most Republican Presidential Candidates!

A new poll shows fictional characters are beating real people in approval ratings!
Does this mean people would rather see a mass murderer in office than a Republican?
In the latest Washington PostABC News survey, Harry Potter villain Voldemort had a higher approval rating than many of the Republican presidential candidates.
The Dark Lord bested Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, and Ted Cruz. Trailing the pack? None other than Donald Trump.
[ Related: J.K. Rowling Says There’s An American Wizard School! ]
But He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named didn’t come out on top.
President Barack Obama — as well as hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were all able to triumph against the evil wizard — but believe it or not, a real person didn’t claim the top spots.
Leading the poll was Star Wars villain Darth Vader and “the shark from Jaws“. But who does everyone believe to be the best pick to run our great nation?
The Terminator, obvs.
Click here to see the breakdown of the approval ratings!

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Jun 10, 2015 00:01am PDT