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First Twitter Reactions To Wonder Woman Are GREAT -- And Relieved!

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There are people who don’t think a female superhero film can succeed. Female directors are consistently overlooked for big Hollywood action films. The DCEU has suffered in the review department lately, and could really use a win.
It’s unfair for so much burden to be placed on one movie’s shoulders, but if anyone is strong enough to bear the burden, it’s Wonder Woman.
Video: Wonder Woman Official Origin Trailer Is Full Of Straight-Up Girl Power!
The embargo for social media reactions was lifted on Thursday night, so critics who got to see early press screenings could finally give us their first impressions.
And so far, so good! Especially for stars Gal Gadot and Chris Pine!
See the (understandably) relieved reactions (below)!

It wasn’t 100% positive, but even those with complaints had some very nice things to say:

Are YOU going to see Wonder Woman on June 2??

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May 19, 2017 20:56pm PDT