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17-Year-Old Teen Is Believed To Have Enrolled In Sixth Grade To Recruit Kids For Porn

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This is the opposite of awesome.
A 17-year-old teen named Ricardo Javid Lugo has been arrested for possessing child pornography — after it was revealed he was posing as a 6th grader at the Hurst Hills Elementary School in Hurst, Texas.
It also is believed that Lugo and a 28-year-old man named Randy Ray Wesson were partners and used the elementary school to recruit new victims. Wesson has since been arrested and has “also admitted to sexually abusing over 100 children between the ages of 7 to 14 years of age.”
He faked this identity for over three months before anyone caught wind of this.
It was the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children who gave police the tip to search the house where Wesson pretended to be Lugo’s father — through a forged birth certificate and immunization records — and police subsequently found over 42,000 images and videos of child pornography.
Lugo was apparently contacted by Wesson and was lured into the set up, but it didn’t take long for him to get into it.
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He sent photos to Wesson of him spanking a child from the school along with other disturbing photos, and one text even read “horny?” which is just totally disturbing.
Here’s part of what the report said:

“A logical search of Ricardo Lugo’s cell phone, which was on his person at the time of CPS contact and included in the search warrant, was conducted by Hurst Detective Par McGrail. The phone contained photographs of children at school, dated August 25 thru August 26, 2014. A video dated August 31, 2014, shows Ricardo Lugo spanking a child. The child is in a previous photograph taken at school.
Messages on the phone between Randy Wesson and Ricardo Lugo indicate that Ricardo Lugo is recruiting possible victims from school for himself and Randy. Ricardo tells Randy about seeing one of the kid’s penis. He also talks about telling other kids not to tell and having to follow them home to see where they live. Ricardo tells Randy on September 12, 2014 that a kid told him he has always wanted someone to touch him and invited him over. Ricardo tells Randy “he said we could do it if I promise not to tell, and I said the same thing. Ricardo replied to randy “horny?”.”

Wesson’s father also admitted that he knew someone was living with his son, and described him as twelve year old who “wears diapers” and that he caught his son watching child porn once.
It was also revealed a previous investigation was conducted of Wesson for the “inappropriate touching of a 4-year-old male” but that was eventually dropped.
In a statement from the school district where this all went down, a rep said:

“Hurst Hills staff followed all procedures regarding enrollment when the student was enrolled in August. [There was] ‘no indication’ [the documents were forged.]”

Well, we guess they know now.
And although no victims have been found from the elementary schools yet, it’s hard to ignore the existence of that spanking photo. If a child or children DO come forward, we hope they get the help they need.
All of this is just horrible to think about.
[Image via Hurst Police Department.]

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Nov 21, 2014 20:22pm PDT

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