Alison Sweeney is looking good these days!
The Biggest Loser host is covering Fitness‘ January issue, and since she trimmed down from a size 12 to a tiny size 4, she wants to share her workout strategies with YOU!!
In her interview with the mag, Sweeney talks about working out, her body and her weight.
Here are the HIGHlights:
On working out:
“I used to be one of those people who hated working out. It felt like such a chore. I had to learn that exercise isn’t a punishment. Finding workouts I enjoy has allowed me to flip it in my head. Now I look forward to that time and the exercise high I feel afterward. I’ll do strength training in my dressing room between shoots, and I’ve been known to make business calls while I’m out jogging. I try to mute myself on Bluetooth so they can’t hear me huffing and puffing, but I usually end up getting caught. Fortunately, people understand, they’re usually jealous they aren’t exercising too!”
On her body:
“I may not have the best body out there—not even close— but I worked my butt off, literally, for it, and it’s OK if it’s not as good as someone else’s. This is what I’ve got, and I have to embrace it and be proud of it.”
On her battle with weight:
“I was a total sucker for both the fat-free and sugar-free crazes. I used not to eat breakfast in the morning because I thought it was just one less meal to worry about. When I started Biggest Loser, I wasn’t eating enough and would compensate by consuming foods that weren’t good for me. I really credit the show for introducing me to quinoa, lentils and other healthy options that taste good.”
Healthy options have NEVER hurt anyone, and we can definitely see that!
Alison turned her body around and you can too.
Just look at how slim she looks on her cover (above)!
[Image courtesy of Fitness Magazine.]
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