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Avril Lavigne

Avril Sucks....Officially!!!!


We’ve been telling you for ages that Avril Lavigne is a douche. If you don’t wanna take our word for it, then listen to a radio DJ that has interviewed the singer and “songwriter” numerous times and had to deal with her unpleasantness this past weekend.

The Canadian faux punker performed at a concert for KISS FM in Dallas on Friday, August 3rd, and she left much to be desired, according to Billy the Kidd.

One of the DJs at the station, Billy has gone on the record about what a douche Avril is.

He just posted the following message on his official myspace:

“Monday, August 06, 2007

Some celebrities just SUCK…
Current mood: aggravated

First off I gotta thank everyone who came to Kiss Party on Friday! Thank you to Rihanna, who is the sweetest girl alive, I LOVE her. Injured and all she DID NOT cancel the show so thank you to Rihanna! Also, big thanks to Joel and Benji and the guys of Good Charlotte, Baby Bash, Paula Deanda and The Rocket Summer… good people. NOW- I would thank Avril Lavigne, but I cant sit here and lie nor am I fake to say I like her. I heard she put on a good show but I didnt even want to watch. Now, I have interviewed everyone from Metallica to Madonna and have never had any “issues” … but everytime I have had to deal with Avril its a PAIN IN THE ASS! From the fact that she didnt want to “sit in the room and wait to go on the air” to her people trying to clear the hallways so she could get through. Are you kidding me!??? Get over yourself! Dont flatter yourself, I didnt WANT to interview you!!! Sorry, I had to vent, because I thought it was BS how her and her “people” acted. So, I guess I am a fan of some of her songs, but NOT a fan of Avril. She needs to get checked.”

[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]

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Aug 06, 2007 18:03pm PDT

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