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Back In The Swing Of Things


Most big celebrities only do cover stories when they have something to promote. NOT Lindsay Lohan!

What does she have to publicize? Her sobriety? Not so much.

The recovering addict, who has gone back to her pAArtying ways and had slips of sobriety recently, is on the over of the new issue of Glamour U.K.

“2007 was a rough year,” she says. Like, duh!

But, Lohan promises that she’s “back.”

Not so sure about that either, sweetie!

Here are some HIGHlights from her interview.

On avoiding the temptations of Hollywood:
“I don’t think it’s just young Hollywood – it’s the process of growing up. I’ve learned the hard way but, all in all, you learn and you grow and you become a stronger person”

On meeting three different men in Capri:
“If I’d been with every man I’ve been linked with I’d probably be dead by now! Generally speaking, my friends are much worse – I’m the goody-goody one by comparison. I’ve had to grow up fast. I’ve had a lot of responsibility from a young age.”

On Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse:
“I think lots of people go through dark times, but it’s even harder with everyone watching. It’s a lot of pressure and I really feel for them, but I can’t compare myself to them. Everyone is their own person and they will overcome it in their own ways.”

On misconceptions about her:
“The biggest misconception is probably that I don’t have my head in the right place. That, and probably that I’m not a good person. That makes me sad, because actually I am.”

On what or who she is allergic to aside from dogs:
“Liars and mean people. I’m a Cancerian so I’m sensitive and emotional, but very honest – so I don’t like liars. Also I don’t understand people who are mean for no reason.”

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Feb 04, 2008 12:34pm PDT

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