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Barron Hilton

Lindsay Lohan Vs. Barron Hilton: Paris Hilton's Bro Finally Turning In LiLo's Bestie To The Cops!!!

Someone wake-up Jamie Foxx & Colin Farrell because this is a job for the beautiful boys from Miami Vice!
By now you’ve probably heard Paris Hilton‘s little brother recently got rocked and rolled at a party in Miami. According to Barron Hilton, he was assaulted by Lindsay Lohan‘s buddy Ray Lemoine.
Lindz’ camp has denied any involvement in the brutal beat down, but the hotel heir now plans to file a formal police report implicating Ray in the crime.
Sergeant Bobby Hernandez of the Miami Beach Police Department revealed:

├óΓé¼┼ôBarron Hilton├óΓé¼Γäós lawyer contacted us yesterday (Tuesday) and a meeting is being scheduled for Mr. Hilton to give a formal statement about the incident.”

Why did it take this long for Barron to make his statement?
Some sources are saying it’s because he was threatened, that any action on his part might result in the release of some mysterious “incriminating photos.”
One source admitted:

“[Barron] has been made aware that there incriminating photos, that if released, could tell a very different side of what took place at the home.”

Yikes! So much drama in the 305!!!
We cannot wait to see what happens next!

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Dec 11, 2013 19:12pm PDT