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The REAL Bling Ring: What Happened To Them???

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Wow, A LOT has changed since the Bling Ring hit the scene almost a decade ago!
Following Sofia Coppola‘s 2013 film adaptation of the group’s notorious celeb heists, the members went through a whole new wave of publicity and scrutiny. From interviews to daily news stories about the crew, people couldn’t get enough of these young criminals.
Related: Alexis Is Working As A Doula!
Now that the film is about three years old, the fractured clique have gone on to lead their lives out of the public eye — some for better, and some for WORSE. Let’s just say not everyone has learned their lesson!
Luckily for Bling Ring convict Alexis Christine Neiers, she was able to turn her life around in a MAJOR way. Not only is the beauty writing for magazines and practicing as a doula, she’s also happily married with two kiddos.
In fact, the recovering addict just gave birth to her SECOND daughter earlier this month. In an emotional Instagram post, the momma revealed that the little one arrived after a very high-risk pregnancy.
Take a look at Alexis’ candid note (below)!

This little miracle baby is brining such joy to our lives. In case you weren’t with us during our pregnancy journey I was told that this little babe wasn’t going to make it and that I should abort at 13 weeks. I was so conflicted and scared. We had blood work done at 10 weeks that came back positive for trisomy 13. Then our CVS test came back positive. We held out hope. As I was breaking down I continued to pray to God that my baby would be okay. We moved forward at 16.5 weeks with an amnio and tried to remain full of faith and not fear until we get the final results. Well at 19 weeks we got the news that yes my placenta did have t13 but our baby did not. A serious miracle. I am still in disbelief that she is here and okay. For the remaining trimesters I still remained scared that when I delivered she wouldn’t be okay. All I can say is that I was told my chances of here test being wrong were 1/500. I was told to abort this precious baby. I was told that it would be nearly impossible for her to even make it to term. Well here we are. The second I pulled her out I knew we were okay. I am so grateful, even though it was so trying and painful, that I remained strong and pushed through. She’s here and she’s perfect. My sweet little Dakota.
A photo posted by Alexis Haines (@alexischaines) on Jul 7, 2016 at 6:34pm PDT

Aww! We’re so glad everything worked out for the California resident and her baby.
But wait! That’s not the only update we have…
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CLICK HERE to view “The REAL Bling Ring: What Happened To Them???”
CLICK HERE to view “The REAL Bling Ring: What Happened To Them???”
CLICK HERE to view “The REAL Bling Ring: What Happened To Them???”
CLICK HERE to view “The REAL Bling Ring: What Happened To Them???”
[Image via Instagram.]

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Jul 11, 2016 17:29pm PDT

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