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Britney Spears

Britney Spears Wigs Out On The Cover Of Lucky Magazine

This is a story about girl named Lucky who wore a wig on the cover of Lucky.
Fortunately, it has a happy ending where Britney Spears still looks beautiful despite that hairsaster she displayed on Lucky‘s December issue.
We don’t know who said this was a good idea, but for some reason, someone slapped on a bad lace-front wig onto the southern blossom’s head and allowed her to pose in front of the camera wearing it.
Not only is she doing her best Kim Zolciak impression, but the wig has been pulled too far down on her forehead, which obviously makes it look even more fake.
What’s the dealio here? Brit Brit looks beautiful (no matter what), but especially when her stylists whip up some gorgeous flowing extensions on her. None of this fake weave business! Totes awks!
At least her red skirt, black polka-dot top, and pink bow belt are super adorbsies. Plus, the article includes some of Britney’s favorite things, which you can see (below)!
Check out the rest of the hair floppity flop pics (below). As Brit once lovingly sang, “It’s time for make-up, perfect smile…” – it’s just too bad her hair had to take the fall on this one.
[Image via Lucky Magazine.]

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Oct 26, 2012 13:31pm PDT