Many aspects of Britney Spears’ relationship with her father Jamie Spears are under scrutiny right now, but perhaps the saddest is the effect it had on the custody of her sons.
If you’re a #FreeBritney devotee, you probably remember that back in 2019 a physical altercation between Jamie and the now 15-year-old Sean Preston led to a restraining order for the boys against their grandfather. Shortly after, Brit’s custody agreement with ex Kevin Federline was amended from 50-50 to 70-30, favoring Kevin.
Related: Britney Allegedly Hasn’t Spoken With Jamie Since The Abuse Incident!
We’ve heard in the past that the popstar blames her dad for losing time with her kids (with good reason, it seems) and the incident likely contributed to her current determination to remove Jamie from her conservatorship. Now, a source told Us Weekly that she still sees Sean Preston and Jayden “periodically,” but definitely “less” than she used to — and not on any “set schedule.”
The insider explained:
“She used to have more time with them until Kevin altered their custody arrangement after the incident with Jamie. Since then, the boys’ visits have been less frequent. They spend most of their time at their dad’s house and have very few visits with their mom, especially overnight ones.”
That being said, the lack of time isn’t 100% Jamie’s fault (though we’re still happy to send some blame his way, TBH). The source shared:
“They are teenagers now and want to be with their friends, not their parents. It’s nothing against Britney; they love and idolize her, and Kevin trusts her. It’s just that they’re getting older, so when they’re not at their main home with Kevin, they’re usually out doing things with friends.”
The source added that the 14- and 15-year-old are “normal boys” who love “sports and being outdoors” and listening to “rap and EDM, like their dad.” The insider dropped this tidbit:
“Sean Preston, in particular, is a big fan of synthesizers and likes to toy around with deejaying in his spare time.”
Very cool!
They went on to say that the boys “are aware” of the #FreeBritney movement and the recent New York Times documentary Framing Britney Spears that further ignited conversation about the conservatorship. Sean Preston and Jayden “just want to see their mom happy,” claimed the source.
They disclosed that the teens “do not get along” with their grandfather, and are “not upset … in the slightest” about the restraining order between them. (Considering Jayden called Jamie a “d**k” on Instagram Live, we’re not surprised to hear this.) However, they “regularly stay in touch with” their grandmother Lynne Spears, “whether it’s Britney giving her mom updates on the boys or Sean Preston and Jayden personally talking to Lynne.”
Amidst the family drama, the Mickey Mouse Club alum has been reflecting on the past “crazy” year. Her recent IG post on the subject refers specifically to coronavirus, but we can’t help but think of the way the #FreeBritney movement has picked up, too. She wrote:
“On all accounts of the craziness the past year … I feel like God’s tears have hit all of us with what the world has been through due to coronavirus !!! This new year should be a year of cleansing our inner selves with meditation … prayer
… any kind of hobby that brings joy
… and being conscious of what we put in our bodies as well !!! This all helps us to have a clear mind … body … spirit and offers so much more clarity in our everyday lives !!!!”
Related: Jamie’s Lawyer Claims He ‘Saved Britney’s Life’
She continued:
“This year I devote myself to lots of tea
and healing !!!! I’m working on allowing myself to not be so strong all the time and to know it’s ok to cry !!!! I pray for deep healing this year for all of us and I hope we can all inspire each other !!!! Again … BE KIND – PASS IT ON AMERICA
Brit is gathering more admirers of her strength every day, so we commend her goal for more vulnerability. We hope this year brings as much time with her sons as she wants — as much as a teen boy’s schedule will allow anyway — as well as the freedom and autonomy she’s been fighting for.
[Image via Britney Spears/Instagram]