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Animal Cruelty

Celebs Urge Walmart To Drop Pork Supplier After SHOCKING Gestation Crate Footage Surfaces

Shame, Walmart…SHAME!!!!
Ryan Gosling, Zooey Deschanel, and Kristen Bell are just some of the few celebs that are angry with Walmart after shocking footage of abused pigs was filmed at one of the megachain’s suppliers.
On the website, a video was posted of the cruel events that take place at pork supplier Christensen Farms of Minnesota.
Narrated by Bob Barker, the Mercy for Animals organization highlights the cruel practices of gestation crates.
In the letter submitted to walmart, superstars condemn Walmart with the following:

After visiting and learning from my friends at Mercy For Animals that Walmart pork suppliers condemn pregnant pigs to lives of misery and deprivation inside tiny gestation crates, it is now clear that the hidden cost of Walmart’s ‘always low prices’ is blatant animal abuse.
We implore you to help end the needless suffering of these animals by ending the sale of pork from producers who confine pigs in cages so small they can’t even turn around for nearly their entire lives.
While Walmart tells its customers they can “Save Money, Live Better,” the pork sold in your stores comes from pigs whose lives couldn’t possibly be any worse.
As world-renowned animal behaviorist Dr. Jonathan Balcome puts it: ‘Gestation crates are unremitting hell on earth.’ Inside tiny gestation crates barely larger than their own bodies, these intelligent and social animals never get to walk, run, root in the soil, see the sun, breathe fresh air, or do nearly anything that comes naturally to them.
Driven mad from boredom and stress, these poor animals have nothing to do, day after day, hour after hour, but to bite the bars of their cages.

Watch the incredibly disturbing video (above) and continue to support the END of gestation crates!

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Aug 26, 2012 10:03am PDT