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Colin Kaepernick Fires Back After Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Criticism Of His National Anthem Protest

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg slammed Colin Kaepernick‘s National Anthem protest pretty hard, but the sports star is firing right back at the Supreme Court Justice!
On Tuesday, the San Francisco 49ers quarterback opened up to reporters about the political figure’s criticism of his demonstration, and he wasn’t afraid to call the Notorious RBG OUT!
Related: Colin Takes A Knee For TIME Magazine!
The athlete admitted he was upset that the 83-year-old condemned his peaceful protest, saying:

“It is disappointing to hear a Supreme Court justice call a protest against injustices and oppression ‘stupid, dumb’ in reference to players doing that.”

In fact, the NFL player explained that the New York native’s comments completely avoid the actual issues of racism and police brutality in our country, adding:

“I was reading an article and it refers to white critique of black protests and how they try to delegitimize it by calling it ‘idiotic, dumb, stupid,’ things of that nature, so they can sidestep the real issue. As I was reading that I saw more and more truth how this has been approached by people in power and white people in power in particular.”

The 28-year-old confessed that he understands that people are offended by his actions because of their loyalty to the things the American flag represents.
However, he also insisted that those people are missing the point, stressing:

“People are getting too caught up in the flag. At the end of the day the flag is just a piece of cloth and I am not going to value a piece of cloth over people’s lives. That’s just not something I can do, it’s not something I feel morally right doing and my character won’t allow me to do that.”

We couldn’t agree more.
And, even in the midst of all this controversy, Mr. Kaepernick is happy with himself “in my relationships and everything that is going on in my life.”
Keep on speaking out, Colin!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Oct 12, 2016 20:23pm PDT