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Dolly Parton

EXCLUSIVE! Dolly Parton Breaks Down The Importance Of The Anti-Bullying Message Behind Her Song Makin’ Fun Ain’t Funny!

Dolly Parton has an important message!
Dolly Parton
is an icon!!
With over 50 years in the industry, it’s almost hard to believe the songstress has only just released her first children’s album, I Believe In You, but now she can finally say she’s done it!
And even better, it has an important message for kids!
Video: Miley Cyrus Channels Dolly For The Tonight Show!
Teaching little ones about how it’s never cool to bully anyone, Dolly’s track Makin’ Fun Ain’t Funny couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.
In an EXCLUSIVE clip, Dolly breaks down the inspiration behind it, explaining how children and even adults can be hurt from being made fun of.
So true!!
The physical release of the album is on Friday, October 13, and you can check it out HERE!
Now, press PLAY (below) to hear Miz Parton’s story behind the song!

[Image via Dolly Parton.]

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Oct 11, 2017 16:29pm PDT