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Barbara Walters

Donald Sterling's Mistress Speaks! What V. Stiviano Reveals About The Clippers Owner Will SHOCK You!

donald sterling mistress v stiviano speaks barbara walters interview
If Donald Sterling wished he had paid off V. Stiviano before, he must be rubbing his lamp overtime now!
Miss Stiviano sat down with Barbara Walters on 20/20 Friday night and said a mouthful!
Most importantly, she made it clear that the racist comments Mr. Sterling made in the infamous audio tape were not just an isolated incident! She said:

“There’s been a number of occasions where Mr. Sterling and I had conversations just like this one. This was one of very many. Part of what the world heard was only 15 minutes. There’s a number of other hours that the world doesn’t know.”

But she apparently wasn’t there to vilify Sterling. In fact, if anything she made excuses for her man! She said:

“I think Mr. Sterling is from a different generation than I am. I think he was brought up to believe these things… segregation, whites and blacks. But through his actions he’s shown that he’s not a racist. He’s shown to be a very generous and kind man.”

Stiviano agrees that Sterling should apologize publicly for his comments, but she thinks we’re all overlooking the biggest victim here- Sterling himself! She says:

“I think he’s highly more traumatized and hurt by the things that he said himself. I think he can├óΓé¼Γäót even believe or understand sometimes the thing he says, and I think he’s hurt by it. He’s hurting right now.”

We agree Mr. Sterling’s remarks certainly show a lack of understanding, but is he really the one most hurt by them?? Come on!
Miss Stiviano also says Mr. Sterling feels alone and unsupported by those around him right now. Hmm, we wonder why that would be.
[Image via ABC News.]

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May 03, 2014 01:36am PDT

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