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Emma Watson Shows Off Belle's Swag In New Beauty And The Beast Featurette!

Emma Watson Shows Off Belle's Swag In New Beauty And The Beast Featurette!

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Bringing a Disney animated classic to life is no easy feat!
And for Emma Watson, one of the best parts of becoming Belle in the live-action Beauty and the Beast was figuring out what to wear!
In a new featurette, the actress and costume designer Jacqueline Durran explained the process for making Belle’s wardrobe come to life — and revealed what updates were made for Emma’s take on the character.
Video: Emma Melodically Enchants In Beauty & The Beast Teaser Clip!
The biggest outfit to measure up to, of course, was the Disney princess’s iconic yellow ballroom gown — which came complete with gold leaves and Swarovski crystals!
Get a peek at the magical fashion (below) and see the fabrics in action when Beauty and the Beast hits theaters March 17!

[Image via Disney/YouTube.]

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Feb 21, 2017 11:58am PDT

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