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Feist To Take A Break


One, two, three, four….

Feist is gonna take a break when she’s done with her tour.

The Canadian singer isn’t retiring yet, thankfully. She just wants to collect herself after the success of her last album The Reminder.

Feist told the Canadian Press, “[My career] has become kind of large and it really began for me very, very small. Like me alone in my bedroom with my four-track and a pair of headphones. I just need to go back there for a while to get my bearings again and then know what to do next. I just need to let it rest for a minute.”

Seems like a good idea to us. Just promise to come back!

As for returning to her former band, Broken Social Scene, she says she is not really interested in it, although she wouldn’t mind a reunion around the kitchen table.

Her Canadian tour concludes in November.

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Oct 21, 2008 17:00pm PDT

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