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Fred Durst's Secret Arrest!

Fred Durst's Secret Arrest!


Fred Durst was arrested and no one cared – a true sign of his Z list status.

What was he booked for? Assault with a deadly weapon….his car!

Documents exclusively obtained by Celeb TV show that the Limp Bizkit alum hit two L.A. residents with his vehicle “on or about October 26, 2006.”

A criminal complaint filed in L.A. Superior Court on January 1, 2007, charges Durst with seven misdemeanor counts in total for the 2006 incident, including: two counts of assault with a deadly weapon, three counts of battery, one count of making a criminal threat and one charge of reckless driving on the highway.

Contained within the August 16 documents is a restraining order that instructs Durst not to “annoy, harass, strike, threaten…or otherwise disturb the peace of the [victims].”

The singer, 37, is also ordered to surrender or sell to a licensed gun dealer any firearms in his possession and not come within 100 yards of the two alleged victims.

The particular charges against Durst include two counts of “assault…with a deadly weapon, to wit, VEHICLE, and by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury.”

Documents obtained only by show that on August 16, Durst pleaded no contest to the seven misdemeanor counts, thereby avoiding a possible jail sentence and a $1,000 fine.

Instead, the singer received a suspended jail term of 120 days in exchange for agreeing to 20 hours of community service with Hollywood Beautification Team, a local community cleanup program, to be completed within 36 months.

Dusrt also has to pay almost $1,500 in fines and penalties and keep his nose clean by not using or possessing “dangerous or deadly weapons” or “threaten[ing] the use of force or violence against any person.”

Poor Fred.

No one cares about you, but Perez does!

You loser!

[Image via Mavrix Online.]

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Sep 14, 2007 07:36am PDT

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