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Gay Conversion Therapy Has Been BANNED In Cali!

California has just made the world a little safer for the state’s young LGBT population.
Reparative therapy for homosexuals, which some people call a “cure”, will be banned for anyone under 18 starting on January 1, 2013 thanks to a bill signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown.
The politician is the first to do so in the entire country and explained his decision by saying:

“This bill bans non-scientific ‘therapies’ that have driven young people to depression and suicide. These practices have no basis in science or medicine and they will now be relegated to the dustbin of quackery.”

Even though the American Psychiatric Association agrees that the practice leads to depression, anxiety and other self-destructive behavior, there is still plenty of ignorance to defend it.
For example, the Pacific Justice Institute is filing a lawsuit to prevent the bill from going into action and says:

“Of all the freedom-killing bills we have seen in our legislature the last several years, this is among the worst.”

Sorry, but the freedom to ruin a young person’s life by forcing them into unnecessary and dangerous therapy is not a freedom anyone should have.
Homosexuality is no choice and it’s certainly not a disease — it’s a natural part of life! We can’t wait for the day when everyone can just accept that and move on.
In the meantime, we hope more states follow Gov. Brown’s lead and sign similar bills into law!
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 01, 2012 19:20pm PDT

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