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Amy Winehouse

Headline Of The Week Weak


Amy’s 3-day drug binge

Poor thing! CLICK HERE to read about Wino’s crazy week, icluding her overdose! Thankfully she’s in rehab now.

[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]

According to The Sun

Amy’s 3-day drug binge

CRAZED AMY WINEHOUSE had been on a mind-boggling three-day drug bender before collapsing from an overdose, The Sun can reveal.

She took ECSTASY, COCAINE and horse tranquilliser KETAMINE — washed down with VODKA and WHISKY.

Last night a worried pal told how the binge had left the 23-year-old singing sensation ghostly pale and with the “dead eyes of a shark”.

Meanwhile it emerged how Amy went without sleep as she stumbled from pub to pub, repeatedly popping into toilets, before throwing an impromptu party at the home she shares with new husband Blake Fielder-Civil.
She was finally rushed to hospital at 1am on Wednesday — needing an emergency adrenaline shot and her stomach pumped.

Last night a close friend of Fielder-Civil said: “It was like she had pressed the self-destruct button. She was downing coke, pills and ketamine, vodka and Jack Daniel’s. Even Amy says she will be dead within one year.

“She had a party of people around before she collapsed.

“She looked like a zombie — white as a sheet and trembling. And I’ll never forget her eyes. They were dead, like a shark.

“At one point she strummed her pink guitar and sang and I thought, ‘Yes, the girl is back’.

“But then she started rocking like a six-year-old and was wailing and sobbing.”

Amy, whose hits include Rehab and Back To Black, began the bender at 1pm on Monday within hours of arriving in Heathrow from a music festival in Chicago.

She propped up the bar of the Robert Inn in Hounslow, just two miles from the airport.

The skeletal star swigged vodka and lemonades while Blake, 25, sank pints of Stella Artois.

Local Lesley McCormack, 26, said: “Both Amy and Blake made repeated visits to the toilets during the two hours they were here.

“She went into both the ladies’ and men’s loos. I suspect they were taking cocaine.

“They were with another woman. Amy ordered a club sandwich, asking for tuna instead of chicken — but she never ate it.”

Lesley added: “She was a very nice person and signed some CDs for us and also had games of pool with the locals.

“It was surreal seeing them in there as it really isn’t the kind of pub that you see a rock and roll star in. There are normally only three old men in there.”

Another regular said: “She went into the loos repeatedly. It was clear what they were up to.”

Amy, Blake and the other woman left around 3pm.

Seven hours later Amy and Blake rolled up at their local pub, The Hawley Arms in Camden, North London.
They were spotted by a fan. He said: “She spent the evening knocking back Jack Daniel’s.

“They were acting quite strangely. Amy was backwards and forwards to the toilets all night.”

The binge continued into Tuesday. A cafe owner near the couple’s home said: “She came in during the afternoon and was very jittery. She wanted everything done now.

“She said she didn’t know what she wanted but she said she wanted it hot. She was really out of it.

“I’ve only noticed her here in the last two months and she’s normally very nice and comes straight in and goes straight out — but on Tuesday it was different.”

Hours later, Amy — who had just been nominated for three MTV awards — started convulsing.

The friend of the couple said: “Amy had boasted she hadn’t slept in three days and her intake was taking it’s toll.

“Blake telephoned friends at 10pm, yelling ‘F***, f***, she’s having a fit!’

“The word went around like wildfire. Mates rushed around to help and Blake calmed Amy down by giving her water before taking her to hospital.

“He was terrified — but she was a mess. She didn’t know what was going on.”

Yesterday The Sun told how tattooed Amy was dragged through the doors of the A&E unit at London’s University College Hospital semi-conscious by Blake and a girl pal at 1am.

Amy collapsed when she reached the reception desk and fell to the floor with a shriek.

A witness said: “The bloke was holding her up because she couldn’t really stand.

“She must have been really ill because, although there was a big crowd of people in the waiting area, she was rushed straight through. A nurse came over and helped Amy into the main part of the hospital.”

Blake and her dad Mitch visited her in a private treatment room. Amy was later discharged and smuggled out by a back entrance.

Her record company claimed yesterday she was suffering from “nervous exhaustion”.

But the source told how Amy has shocked pals by comparing herself to romantic poet Lord Byron who died in 1824, aged 36.

They added: “She thinks all this stuff is romantic. She uses the word ‘Byronic’ — but for everyone else it’s terrifying.”

Amy married Blake two months ago at a secret ceremony in Miami. Blake, who has worked as a record company “runner”, has joked about crack cocaine use on the MySpace website.

In the past Amy has admitted using marijuana and cocaine. Recently she has been boozing heavily and pulling out of gigs, earning the nickname Amy Declinehouse in The Sun’s Bizarre column.

Another friend said Amy’s best pal, singer Juliette Ashby, had been “wringing her hands” over the star’s behaviour for months.

They went on: “Juliet is so worried — she just doesn’t know what to do.

“To be honest, Blake doesn’t help. I’ve known Amy since she started going out with him and I’ve never seen her so f***ed up as she is now.

“The house has become a drugs den. It’s filthy, covered in ash and the stench of rotting food.

“Blake wants to be like Pete Doherty, with Amy as his Kate.

“But Amy is just tumbling and tumbling and all her mates are terrified.”

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Aug 10, 2007 11:11am PDT