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Amy Winehouse

He's Into Water Sports


Pete Doherty ‘competed’ in a celebrity soccer tourney with his band Babyshambles this past weekend, and Amy Winehouse was there to cheer him on.

Crackheads stick together!

Anyway, as expected, Doperty got himself into a bit of trouble at the event.

The soccer tourney took place at the home of London team Millwall.

Dopehead is a dedicated fan of Millwall’s rivals, West London’s Queen’s Park Rangers.

Despite Dopehead’s affiliation (he came decked out in QPR gear), Millwall generously allowed Dopehead to use their chairman’s office as a dressing room to get away from the circus that follows him.

Dopey decided that he’d pay Millwall back by pissing in a club trophy.

How rude! Disgusting!

Crack piss kills!

Miraculously, the Babyshambles team made it all the way to the finals (though they lost to band Faithless).

How the hell did that happen? Doped out musicians can play soccer?

Babyshambles must have techies and a road crew who are good at soccer.

[Image via WENN.]

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May 20, 2008 13:30pm PDT