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Hospital Staff Fired For Reading Private Octo-Mom Medical Files!

Good news for you jobseekers in Southern California!
There’s now FIFTEEN spots open for employment at Kaiser Permanente Bellflower hospital. That’s the hospital where Octo-mom, Nadya Suleman, gave birth to her octuplets – sparking worldwide commentary.
Kaiser has fired staff members who illegally took a look at Suleman’s private files. A total of 15 employees were fired, with another eight disciplined after the computer breaches were discovered about 10 days ago.
The breach was discovered during computer security monitoring, which showed everyone who accessed the files and whether or not they had a medical reason to.
Kaiser spokesman Jim Anderson said, “This is something we take very, very seriously.”
Anderson stated that it didn’t seem the employees intended to sell the information, yeah right, adding that “at best we can tell there’s nothing to indicate that the people looked at the records provided it to anyone else. You can only guess that this was human nature and curiosity that got the best of people.”
We hope it was worth their jobs!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 31, 2009 12:30pm PDT

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