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If the Mole Doesn't Fit, You Must Acquit!


His freedom depends on…excess skin???

According to reports, a mole could set R. Kelly free!

Opening statements for Robert’s child porn trial kicked off yesterday, and Kelly’s lawyer presented a doozy!

The defense claimed that the singer couldn’t possibly be the man in the videotape central to the trial. Kelly reportedly has a “significant” mole on his lower middle back, one that’s been there since childhood, said his lawyer.

And, the man seen performing sex acts in the video does NOT have a mole on his back, allegedly.

The lawyer added, “Robert Kelly is not on that tape. … Not a single witness can tell you that is him on the tape.”

The defense also claimed the girl on the tape is not the same person prosecutors have identified as the victim. Kelly’s team says the person on the tape is a prostitute.

“The woman on that tape [is] paid with money. When the tape was played for the jury, it showed a man handing a female money at the beginning of their encounter and leaving more at the end, ” said Kelly’s lead lawyer to the jury.

Kelly’s supposed sex partner (who was between 13 and 15 at the time) also denies she’s on the video.

It’s just getting started and there’s already crazy drama!

We can’t wait to see what’s up next!

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May 21, 2008 11:15am PDT

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