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Mischa Barton

In Mushy's World, She's Headline News!

Mushy Fartone took to her blog to “clear the air” about her split with Kooks frontman Luke Pritchard.
We weren’t aware there was any air to clear, Mischa!
Except maybe from your Fartones!
Says Mush Mush:

“I’m sure you guys are all going to hear about it soon enough so I just wanted to tell you what is real first — I broke up with Luke when I got to London. Things just didn’t feel quite right. There was no cheating or anything terrible, the bad just started to outweigh the good and a long distance relationship is never an easy thing to do.
I hope that the press will show some respect in the near future as we both find it very difficult to deal with a lot of attention or speculation from the media. I think Luke is a great guy, but the type better suited as a friend. We have a surprising amount of mutual friends in England and I don’t regret our time together, I just couldn’t keep it going.”

Thx for the heads up, Misch!
We didn’t even know you two got back together.
Or that anyone still cared!
[Image via Pacific Coast News Online.]

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Mar 09, 2009 17:31pm PDT

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